Wednesday, January 23, 2008

In Memory

I never was a huge fan of Heath Ledger. Don't get me wrong, I didn't NOT like him. (Referencing my last post, yes I know it's a double negative.) I thought he was a good actor, and I like the fact that he shied away from pretty-boy roles in favor of roles that would force him to reach deeper into himself.

It was a surprise to me yesterday to hear that he had died. What I originally read was simply a preliminary story that siad he was found dead by his massage therapist (please - not masseuse as the New York Times called it) and housekeeper, surrounded by sleeping pills. I figured it was suicide. I mean, kind of sounded that way. As more information comes available, it sounds more like an accident. Apparently, he recently gave an interview in which he said he was not able to sleep, and even taking two Ambien only gave him an hour's sleep at a time. The role of the Joker was hard on him mentally and emotionally, also contributing to his sleeping troubles.

Either way, we've lost a great talent, and the world will be a little darker without his smile. It is sad that his little girl must now grow up without him in her life.

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